Direction : The passage given below has ten blanks in it. Read the passage carefully and fill the blanks with the words given in the options below to complete the sentences and form a coherent passage.
The text of the Constitution dilates at length on the A of other principles and on the duties arising from them; not so on fraternity. In fact, Article 51A, on Fundamental Duties, added to by the 42nd Amendment in 1977 and further amended by 86th Amendment in 2010, B it except by Article 51A(e) generally that referred to the duty of every citizen ‘to promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India’.This has wider C and, as pointed out by Sir Ernest Barker in a seminal work lauding the Constitution of India, a distinction has to be made between the psychological fact of common emotion and the political principle of fraternity or co-operation. ‘Fraternity is a D word, which may be used to denote both emotion and principle but is perhaps generally used to denote emotion rather than principle.the emotion of loyalty to the state and the emotion of nationalism for national society are, or should be, controlled emotions.’In such a discussion, it is useful to recall the difference between being and becoming. Being designates a state, something which continues unchanged through time while becoming designates an event, a change of state, an act of cultivation. There is also, as Rajeev Bhargava has argued, ‘a pressing need to E the moral values F in the Constitution to bring out their connections, and to identify the coherent or not-so-coherent worldviews contained within it.three years later, and after some experience of the working of a nascent democratic system that he had helped to put in place, B.R. Ambedkar devoted himself to this G task of ‘excavation’, in a lecture on December 1952 aptly titled ‘Conditions Precedent for the Successful Working of Democracy’. Listed first were certain general characteristics: democracy is prone to change form and purpose and its purpose in our times ‘is not so much to put a curb on an autocratic king as to bring about welfare of the people’. It is a method of government by discussion that brings about H changes in the economic and social life of people without bloodshed. Some specifics were listed to bring this about: there must not be glaring inequalities in society, there must also be an opposition, an equality in law as well as equal protection of law, and administration and observance of I morality. There must be no J of the majority over the minority. Above all, a functioning moral order in society and a public conscience are essential.
Q.1 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank A?
Q.2 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank B?
Q.3 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank C?
Q.4 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank D?
Q.5 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank E?
Q.6 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank F?
Q.7 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank G?
Q.8 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank H?
Q.9 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank I?
Q.10 Which of the following is the most appropriate answer for blank J?
Answers and Solution:
1- Option A is the correct answer. The word ‘implication’ which means ‘the effect that something will have on something else in the future’ is best suited for blank A .
Other word meanings:
Acquisition-the act of obtaining or buying something.
Distinction-a clear or important difference between things or people.
Speculation-discussions about what might happen.
2- Option D is the correct answer. The word ‘evaded’ which means ‘to avoid dealing with or doing something’ is best suited for blank B.
Other word meanings:
Crested-having a usually ornamental tuft or process on the head.
Whacked-to hit somebody/something hard.
Incised-cut into with a sharp instrument.
3- Option B is the correct answer. The word ‘ramifications’ which means ‘the possible result of a decision or action’ is best suited for blank C.
Other word meanings:
Reciprocation-a mutual exchange.
Consolidation-the process of uniting.
Nullification-to cause an agreement or result to be no longer effective or consider it as not existing.
4- Option D is the correct answer. The word ‘dubious’ which means ‘not sure or certain’ is best suited for blank D.
Other word meanings:
Tortious-that brings harm to someone.
Tremulous-shaking slightly because you are nervous.
Scrupulous-very careful or paying great attention to detail.
5- Option E is the correct answer. The word ‘excavate’ which means ‘to hollow out’ is best suited for blank E.
Other word meanings:
Abdicate-to give something up,especially power or a position.
Relegate-to put somebody/something into a lower level or position.
Permeate-to pass through a porous material.
6- Option C is the correct answer. The word ‘embedded’ which means ‘existing or firmly attached within something or under a surface’ is best suited for blank F.
Other word meanings:
Asserted-to say something clearly and firmly.
Assorted-of various sorts put together.
Secluded-screened or hidden from view.
7- Option B is the correct answer. The word ‘arduous’ which means ‘full of difficulties’ is best suited for blank G.
Other word meanings:
Ominous-suggesting that something bad is going to happen.
Devious-clever but not honest or direct.
Heinous-hatefully or shockingly evil.
8- Option D is the correct answer. The word ‘revolutionary’ which means ‘producing great changes’ is best suited for blank H .
Other word meanings:
Discretionary-able to be decided by a particular person or group rather than being controlled by rules.
Constabulary-a police force covering a particular area or city.
Expeditionary-an armed force organized to accomplish a specific objective in a foreign country.
9- Option B is the correct answer. The word ‘constitutional’ which means ‘consistent with or authorized by the constitution of a state or society’ is best suited for blank I.
Other word meanings:
Dissertational-long formal piece of writing on a particular subject.
Intercessional-the act of using your influence to make someone in authority forgive someone else or save them.
Counterfactual-relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case.
10- Option C is the correct answer. The word ‘tyranny’ which means ‘the cruel and unfair use of power by a person or small group to control a country or state’ is best suited for blank J.
Other word meanings:
Swanny-to declare
Squinny-a person who moans or complains.
Uncanny-very strange