In each question given below, there are two sentences that have a blank each in which one single word from the options can be filled to complete the sentences. You must read the same carefully and choose the option that would fit in both the given sentences.


(I) The professor’s ___________ lecture on quantum physics left the students in awe of her expertise.

(II) The artist’s ___________ painting was the highlight of the art exhibition.

(a) Perfunctory

(b) Enigmatic

(c) Pedestrian

(d) Captivating

(e) Tedious


(I) The mountain climber showed ___________ bravery when facing the treacherous ascent.

(II) The author’s ___________ writing style challenged readers with its complexity.

(a) Dauntless

(b) Simplistic

(c) Audacious

(d) Ambiguous

(e) Acrimonious


(I) The politician’s ___________ promises failed to win over the skeptical voters.

(II) The scientist’s ___________ experiment yielded groundbreaking results.

(a) Hollow

(b) Visionary

(c) Dubious

(d) Innovative

(e) Superficial


(I) The composer’s ___________ symphony was hailed as a masterpiece by critics.

(II) The detective’s ___________ deduction skills led to the swift resolution of the complex case.

(a) Melancholic

(b) Astute

(c) Melodious

(d) Insipid

(e) Lackluster


(I) The leader’s ___________ decision

-making ability was a key factor in the company’s success.

(II) The chef’s ___________ use of ingredients created a culinary masterpiece.

(a) Ineffectual

(b) Prudent

(c) Haphazard

(d) Mediocre

(e) Inept


(I) The director’s ___________ vision brought the movie to life on the big screen.

(II) The scientist’s ___________ research paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

(a) Myopic

(b) Visionary

(c) Unremarkable

(d) Conventional

(e) Insignificant


(I) The author’s ___________ storytelling transported readers to a magical world.

(II) The explorer’s ___________ journey through the uncharted territory captured the imagination of many.

(a) Mundane

(b) Riveting

(c) Insipid

(d) Monotonous

(e) Unimaginative


(I) The athlete’s ___________ determination enabled him to overcome all obstacles and win the championship.

(II) The scientist’s ___________ research led to a groundbreaking discovery in the field of medicine.

(a) Indomitable

(b) Lackluster

(c) Apathetic

(d) Ineffectual

(e) Insipid








In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to the professor’s lecture and the artist’s painting.


(a) Perfunctory: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something done without enthusiasm or thoroughness. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey the idea of an expert lecture or a captivating painting.


(b) Enigmatic: This word fits both sentences correctly, as it describes a lecture that leaves students in awe due to its mysterious and complex nature in the first sentence and a painting that is the highlight of an art exhibition in the second sentence.


(c) Pedestrian: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something ordinary or dull. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey qualities related to the professor’s lecture or the artist’s painting.


(d) Captivating: This word fits both sentences correctly, as it describes a lecture that captivates students due to its engaging and fascinating nature in the first sentence and a painting that is the highlight of an art exhibition in the second sentence.


(e) Tedious: This word means boring or monotonous and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey qualities related to the professor’s lecture or the artist’s painting.


The correct answer is (b) Enigmatic, as it fits the context of both sentences correctly, describing a lecture that leaves students in awe and a painting that is the highlight of an art exhibition.







In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to bravery and writing style.


(a) Dauntless: This word fits the first sentence correctly, as it describes the mountain climber’s fearless and courageous behavior when facing the treacherous ascent. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to writing style.


(b) Simplistic: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something overly simple or lacking depth. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey bravery or complexity in writing style.


(c) Audacious: This word fits both sentences correctly, as it describes the mountain climber’s daring bravery in the first sentence and the author’s bold and complex writing style in the second sentence.


(d) Ambiguous: This word means having multiple meanings or interpretations and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey bravery or writing style.


(e) Acrimonious: This word means bitter or hostile in tone and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey bravery or writing style.


The correct answer is (c) Audacious, as it fits the context of both sentences correctly, describing daring bravery in the first sentence and bold writing style in the second sentence.







In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing qualities related to promises and an experiment.


(a) Hollow: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something empty or insincere. It fits the first sentence correctly, describing the politician’s promises as insincere and failing to win over skeptical voters. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to an experiment.


(b) Visionary: This word fits the second sentence correctly, as it describes the scientist’s experiment as innovative and groundbreaking. However, it doesn’t fit the first sentence, which requires a word related to promises.


(c) Dubious: This word fits the first sentence correctly, as it describes the politician’s promises as questionable and failing to win over skeptical voters. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to an experiment.


(d) Innovative: This word fits the second sentence correctly, as it describes the scientist’s experiment as innovative and groundbreaking. However, it doesn’t fit the first sentence, which requires a word related to promises.


(e) Superficial: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something shallow or lacking depth. It fits the first sentence correctly, describing the politician’s promises as superficial and failing to win over skeptical voters. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to an experiment.


The correct answer is (a) Hollow, as it fits the context of the first sentence correctly, describing the politician’s insincere promises that failed to win over skeptical voters, and leaves the second sentence with no correct answer among the given options.







In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to the composer’s symphony and the detective’s deduction skills.


(a) Melancholic: This word means sad or gloomy and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to the composer’s symphony or the detective’s deduction skills.


(b) Astute: This word fits the second sentence correctly, as it describes the detective’s keen and perceptive deduction skills that led to the swift resolution of the complex case. However, it doesn’t fit the first sentence, which requires a word related to a symphony.


(c) Melodious: This word fits the first sentence correctly, as it describes the composer’s symphony as musical and harmonious, hailed as a masterpiece by critics. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to deduction skills.


(d) Insipid: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking in flavor or interest. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to the composer’s symphony or the detective’s deduction skills.


(e) Lackluster: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking brilliance or enthusiasm. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to the composer’s symphony or the detective’s deduction skills.


The correct answer is (c) Melodious, as it fits the context of the first sentence correctly, describing the composer’s symphony as musical and harmonious, hailed as a masterpiece by critics, and leaves the second sentence with no correct answer among the given options.








In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to decision-making ability and culinary skills.


(a) Ineffectual: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking in effectiveness. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to decision-making ability or culinary skills.


(b) Prudent: This word fits the first sentence correctly, as it describes the leader’s careful and wise decision-making ability, which was a key factor in the company’s success. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to culinary skills.


(c) Haphazard: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something done without planning or order. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to decision-making ability or culinary skills.


(d) Mediocre: This word means average or of moderate quality and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to decision-making ability or culinary skills.


(e) Inept: This word has a negative connotation, indicating a lack of skill or competence. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to decision-making ability or culinary skills.


The correct answer is (b) Prudent, as it fits the context of the first sentence correctly, describing the leader’s careful and wise decision-making ability that was a key factor in the company’s success, and leaves the second sentence with no correct answer among the given options.








In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to vision and research.


(a) Myopic: This word means nearsighted or lacking long-term vision and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to vision or research.


(b) Visionary: This word fits both sentences correctly, as it describes the director’s imaginative and innovative vision that brought the movie to life on the big screen in the first sentence and the scientist’s forward-thinking research that paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries in the second sentence.


(c) Unremarkable: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something not worthy of attention or notice. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to vision or research.


(d) Conventional: This word means conforming to established customs or practices and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey innovative vision or groundbreaking research.


(e) Insignificant: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking importance or significance. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to vision or research.


The correct answer is (b) Visionary, as it fits the context of both sentences correctly, describing imaginative and innovative vision in the first sentence and forward-thinking research in the second sentence.







In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to storytelling and an explorer’s journey.


(a) Mundane: This word means ordinary or commonplace and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey imaginative storytelling or an exciting journey.


(b) Riveting: This word fits both sentences correctly, as it describes the author’s storytelling as captivating and transporting readers to a magical world in the first sentence and the explorer’s journey as thrilling and capturing the imagination of many in the second sentence.


(c) Insipid: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking in flavor or interest. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey imaginative storytelling or an exciting journey.


(d) Monotonous: This word means boring or repetitive and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey imaginative storytelling or an exciting journey.


(e) Unimaginative: This word has a negative connotation, indicating a lack of creativity or imagination. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey imaginative storytelling or an exciting journey.


The correct answer is (b) Riveting, as it fits the context of both sentences correctly, describing captivating storytelling in the first sentence and an exciting journey in the second sentence.







In this question, we need to find a word that fits both sentences correctly, describing positive qualities related to determination and research.


(a) Indomitable: This word fits the first sentence correctly, as it describes the athlete’s unstoppable and unwavering determination that enabled him to overcome all obstacles and win the championship. However, it doesn’t fit the second sentence, which requires a word related to research.


(b) Lackluster: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking brilliance or enthusiasm. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to determination or research.


(c) Apathetic: This word means lacking interest or enthusiasm and doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to determination or research.


(d) Ineffectual: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking in effectiveness. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to determination or research.


(e) Insipid: This word has a negative connotation, indicating something lacking in flavor or interest. It doesn’t fit either sentence as it doesn’t convey positive qualities related to determination or research.


The correct answer is (a) Indomitable, as it fits the context of the first sentence correctly, describing the athlete’s unstoppable and unwavering determination that enabled him to overcome all obstacles and win the championship, and leaves the second sentence with no correct answer among the given options.

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  1. Chandan


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