1. Bite the bullet

    Meaning: To face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage.

    Example: She had to bite the bullet and tell her boss about the mistake.

2. Break a leg

    Meaning: Good luck.

    Example: Before the performance, the director told the actors to break a leg.

3. Burning the midnight oil

    Meaning: Working late into the night.

    Example: He’s been burning the midnight oil to finish his project on time.

4. Don’t cry over spilled milk

    Meaning: Don’t waste time worrying about things that have already happened and cannot be changed.

    Example: I know you made a mistake, but don’t cry over spilled milk; learn from it instead.

5. Cost an arm and a leg

    Meaning: To be very expensive.

    Example: That designer handbag cost me an arm and a leg.

6. Caught between a rock and a hard place

    Meaning: Facing a difficult decision with no easy solution.

    Example: She was caught between a rock and a hard place when she had to choose between two job offers.

7. A piece of cake

    Meaning: Something very easy to do.

    Example: Passing that test was a piece of cake for her.

8. On the same page

    Meaning: To have a shared understanding or agreement.

    Example: We need to get everyone on the same page before starting the project.

9. Hit the nail on the head

    Meaning: To describe or do something exactly right.

    Example: His analysis hit the nail on the head; it was spot on.

10. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch

     Meaning: Don’t make plans based on something that hasn’t happened yet.

     Example: I know you’re excited about the promotion, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

11. Once in a blue moon

     Meaning: Very rarely.

     Example: They only visit us once in a blue moon.

12. Break the ice

     Meaning: To start a conversation in a social setting.

     Example: He tried to break the ice by asking about her weekend plans.

13. The ball is in your court

     Meaning: It’s your turn to make a decision or take action.

     Example: I’ve done my part; now the ball is in your court.

14. Keep your chin up

     Meaning: Stay positive and optimistic, especially in difficult times.

     Example: I know things are tough right now, but you need to keep your chin up.

15. The elephant in the room

     Meaning: An obvious problem or issue that everyone is ignoring.

     Example: The budget deficit is the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss.

16. A penny for your thoughts

     Meaning: A way of asking someone what they are thinking.

     Example: You look deep in thought; a penny for your thoughts?

17. In the same boat

     Meaning: In the same situation or predicament.

     Example: We’re all facing financial difficulties; we’re in the same boat.

18. Read between the lines

     Meaning: To understand a deeper or hidden meaning in what someone is saying or writing.

     Example: Her words were polite, but I could read between the lines and tell she was upset.

19. When pigs fly

     Meaning: Something that will never happen.

     Example: You think he’ll apologize? When pigs fly!

20. Jumping on the bandwagon

     Meaning: Following a trend or popular activity.

     Example: He’s just jumping on the bandwagon because everyone else is doing it.

21. Hitting the jackpot

     Meaning: Finding great success or winning a big prize.

     Example: She hit the jackpot when she invested in that startup.

22. A drop in the bucket

     Meaning: A very small amount compared to what is needed.

     Example: The money we raised is just a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the project.

23. In hot water

     Meaning: In trouble or facing difficulties.

     Example: He’s in hot water with his boss for missing the deadline.

24. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

     Meaning: Don’t risk everything on a single plan; have a backup.

     Example: She diversified her investments because she didn’t want to put all her eggs in one basket.

25. A storm in a teacup

     Meaning: An overreaction to a minor issue.

     Example: Their argument about the TV remote is just a storm in a teacup.

26. The straw that broke the camel’s back

     Meaning: The final, seemingly minor, event that causes a situation to become unbearable.

     Example: The argument over dinner was the straw that broke the camel’s back in their relationship.

27. Spill the beans

     Meaning: To reveal a secret or confidential information.

     Example: He couldn’t keep it to himself and spilled the beans about the surprise party.

28. A wolf in sheep’s clothing

     Meaning: Someone who appears harmless but is actually dangerous.

     Example: You can’t trust him; he’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

29. All ears

     Meaning: Fully attentive and eager to listen.

     Example: When she started talking about her trip, we were all ears.

30. Burning bridges

     Meaning: Destroying relationships or opportunities that could be valuable in the future.

     Example: He’s really burning bridges by quitting his job without notice.

31. Cry wolf

     Meaning: To raise a false alarm.

     Example: He cried wolf so many times that no one believed him when there was a real emergency.

32. Behind the eightball

     Meaning: In a difficult or disadvantageous position.

     Example: Failing that exam put him behind the eightball for graduation.

33. Break the bank

     Meaning: To spend all of one’s money.

     Example: Going on that vacation would break the bank for me right now.

34. Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater

     Meaning: Don’t discard something valuable while getting rid of something undesirable.

     Example: Yes, there are problems with the project, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

35. By the book

     Meaning: To do something strictly according to established rules or guidelines.

     Example: He followed the instructions by the book to assemble the furniture.

36. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

     Meaning: It’s better to have something that is certain than to risk it for something more desirable but uncertain.

     Example: I know you want a higher salary, but don’t forget that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

37. In the same ballpark

     Meaning: In a similar or close range or category.

     Example: Their estimates for the project cost were in the same ballpark.

38. Couch potato

     Meaning: A person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television.

     Example: He’s turned into a real couch potato since he started bingewatching that series.

39. Call it a day

     Meaning: To stop working or doing something for the rest of the day.

     Example: We’ve been working on this report all afternoon; let’s call it a day and finish it tomorrow.

40. A watched pot never boils

     Meaning: Time seems to pass more slowly when you’re waiting for something to happen.

     Example: Stop staring at the clock; a watched pot never boils.

41. Cut to the chase

     Meaning: Get to the point without wasting time.

     Example: Instead of going into all the details, can you just cut to the chase and tell me what happened?

42. Walking on air

     Meaning: Feeling extremely happy or elated.

     Example: After receiving the good news, she felt like she was walking on air.

43. Don’t put the cart before the horse

     Meaning: Don’t do things in the wrong order.

     Example: You need to plan your project properly; don’t put the cart before the horse.

44. The apple of my eye

     Meaning: Someone or something that is cherished above all others.

     Example: My granddaughter is the apple of my eye.

45. Keep your fingers crossed

     Meaning: To hope for good luck or a positive outcome.

     Example: Keep your fingers crossed that the weather stays clear for the outdoor event.

46. Raining cats and dogs

     Meaning: Raining heavily.

     Example: We can’t go outside; it’s been raining cats and dogs all day.

47. A watched kettle never boils

     Meaning: When you’re impatiently waiting for something, it seems to take longer.

     Example: Waiting for the test results feels like a watched kettle that never boils.

48. The early bird catches the worm

     Meaning: Those who take action early are more likely to succeed.

     Example: He always arrives at work early because he believes the early bird catches the worm.

49. Bite off more than you can chew

     Meaning: To take on more responsibility or work than one can handle.

     Example: Don’t bite off more than you can chew; you’re already busy enough.

50. Hit the ground running

     Meaning: To start a task or project quickly and energetically.

     Example: She joined the company and hit the ground running, making significant contributions from day one.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vikas

    Sir cloze test ka quiz bhi Diya kare..please sir…

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