Direction: The following question carries a statement with two blanks. From the given options, choose the word that would fit in both the blanks to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful.

1. The _________________ landscape was _________________, making every tourist stop to capture its beauty.

(a) picturesque, captivating

(b) blaring, loud

(c) fleeting, permanent

(d) sparse, crowded

(e) tepid, scalding

1. Solution: The correct pair is (a) picturesque, captivating.

– picturesque describes a scene that’s visually charming or quaint, like a scene that belongs in a picture.

– captivating means to attract and hold the interest and attention of, which fits the context of tourists stopping to admire.

– blaring typically describes a loud and harsh sound, and loud means having a high volume. While both describe sound, neither fits the context of a landscape.

– fleeting means lasting for a very short time, while permanent means lasting forever. These are contradictory terms and don’t describe a landscape in the given context.

– sparse means thinly dispersed or scanty, and crowded implies a place is full of people or things. These terms also contradict each other.

– tepid refers to something slightly warm, and scalding refers to something very hot. Both are terms that describe temperature and don’t fit the context of a landscape’s visual beauty.

2. The old house, though _________________, had a certain _________________ that attracted potential buyers.

(a) dilapidated, charm

(b) modern, antiquity

(c) bright, darkness

(d) vast, limitation

(e) full, emptiness

2. Solution: The correct pair is (a) dilapidated, charm.

– dilapidated describes something in a state of decay or disrepair due to age or neglect.

– charm means a pleasing quality or attraction, which makes sense in the context of attracting potential buyers.

– modern means relating to the present or recent times, and antiquity refers to ancient times. These terms contradict the context, which describes an old house.

– bright means giving out or reflecting a lot of light, and darkness is the absence of light. These are contradictory terms and don’t describe the characteristics of a house that would attract buyers.

– vast refers to a very great extent or quantity, and limitation is a restriction or constraint. These terms don’t fit the context of the house’s age or appeal.

– full implies being filled to capacity, and emptiness is the state of containing nothing. Both terms don’t describe the house’s condition or its attractive quality.

3. The novel was both _________________ in its narrative and _________________ in its character development.

(a) compelling, nuanced

(b) trivial, exaggerated

(c) dry, moist

(d) cursory, extensive

(e) fleeting, stagnant

3.Solution: The correct pair is (a) compelling, nuanced.

– compelling means evoking interest or attention in a powerful way. It describes a narrative that draws the reader in.

– nuanced suggests subtlety or a range of differences in meaning, tone, or feeling, apt for complex character development.

Other options:

– trivial means of little importance or value, and exaggerated suggests something made to seem larger or more important, not fitting the context.

– dry and moist are contrasting terms related to wetness, not narrative quality.

– cursory means hasty and not detailed, and extensive implies large in amount or scale, an unlikely pair for the context.

– fleeting means lasting for a short time, and stagnant means not developing or progressing, again not fitting the context of the novel’s qualities.

4. The _________________ decor of the room was offset by the _________________ art on the walls.

(a) austere, vibrant

(b) loud, muted

(c) open, closed

(d) dim, bright

(e) heavy, lightweight

4.Solution: The correct pair is (a) austere, vibrant.

– austere refers to something stern or strict in manner or appearance, or having no comforts or luxuries. It fits a room that is plain or unadorned.

– vibrant describes something full of energy or enthusiasm, fitting for lively, bright art.

Other options:

– loud and muted are contrasting terms referring to volume or intensity, not directly relevant to decor and art in the given context.

– open and closed relate to spaces and accessibility rather than decor style.

– dim and bright relate to lighting, not necessarily to decor and art style.

– heavy and lightweight describe physical weight, which doesn’t fit the context.

5. The documentary was _________________ in presenting facts, yet _________________ in conveying the emotional side of the story.

(a) rigorous, poignant

(b) lax, indifferent

(c) fast, slow

(d) high, low

(e) long, short

5.Solution: The correct pair is (a) rigorous, poignant.

– rigorous means thorough and accurate, fitting for a documentary that meticulously presents facts.

– poignant refers to something that evokes a keen sense of sadness or regret, matching the emotional aspect of the story.

Other options:

– lax means not strict or diligent, and indifferent means showing no interest or sympathy. This pair implies a lack of effort or care in the documentary, which contrasts with the given context.

– fast and slow pertain to speed, not the qualities of a documentary’s presentation.

– high and low are vague in this context and don’t directly relate to the qualities of presenting facts or emotions.

– long and short refer to length or duration, not the depth or style of presentation.

6. Given this history, it is surprising that schoolgirls are being            , something which did not happen even at the peak of the               . 






6.Ans: option C, targeted- select as an object of attention or attack;Revolution-a sudden,complete or marked change in something. 

Other word meanings:

Pestered-to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something repeatedly

Taunted-to reproach or challenge in a mocking manner

Stagnation-a situation in which something stays the same and does not grow and develop.

Intended-expected to be such in the future

7. The reports have created panic,              protests in many parts of the country, probably           the Supreme Leader to make the statement.






7.Ans: option B, triggering-to make something happen suddenly; prompting-encouragement or urging

Other word meanings:

Provocative-intended to make somebody angry

Explosive-causing strong feelings or having dangerous effects

Subduing-to defeat somebody

Swaying-move or cause to move slowly

8. The remark by Iran’s Supreme Leader that poisoning schoolgirls is an unforgivable crime is a       confirmation of reports that thousands of girls across the Islamic Republic have been         to poison attacks over the last few months. 

A. tangible,idea


C.existing,theme facto,subject


8.Ans: option D, de facto-in fact,whether by right or not ; subject-a person or thing that is being discussed,described or dealt with.

Other word meanings:

Tangible-that can be clearly seen to exist

Excursion-a deviation from a regular activity or course

Theoretical-concerned with or involving the theory of a subject

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