Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in the blank making the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful.

Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits in the blank making the sentence grammatically correct and meaningful.

  1. The art exhibition showcased a(n) _________________ array of modern sculptures, each piece more avant-garde than the last.

(a) pedestrian

(b) eclectic

(c) redundant

(d) monotonous

(e) hackneyed

2. After weeks of drought, the _________________ fields were in desperate need of rain.

(a) inundated

(b) parched

(c) saturated

(d) drenched

(e) submerged

3. Despite its age, the antique watch functioned perfectly, a testament to its _________________ craftsmanship.

(a) fleeting

(b) ephemeral

(c) impeccable

(d) inept

(e) fallacious

4. The company’s _________________ profits this quarter took everyone by surprise, given the recent economic downturn.

(a) staggering

(b) trivial

(c) modest

(d) meager

(e) scanty

5. The author’s _________________ use of metaphor added layers of meaning to the simple story.

(a) judicious

(b) frivolous

(c) negligent

(d) capricious

(e) remiss

6. The city’s skyline was _________________ with towering skyscrapers that gleamed in the sunlight.

(a) cluttered

(b) adorned

(c) stripped

(d) vacated

(e) deserted

7. After years of neglect, the garden had turned into a _________________ wilderness.

(a) manicured

(b) verdant

(c) desolate

(d) pristine

(e) lush

8. His _________________ wit made him a favorite at parties, always having a quick joke or clever comment at the ready.

(a) rapacious

(b) rapid

(c) rapturous

(d) rapier

(e) rambunctious

9. The meeting ended in a _________________, with no clear resolution or consensus reached.

(a) stalemate

(b) resurgence

(c) crescendo

(d) prologue

(e) commemoration

10. The veteran detective had a(n) _________________ ability to discern the truth, often relying on subtle cues and instincts.

(a) uncanny

(b) redundant

(c) flippant

(d) cursory

(e) placid


1.Solution: The correct answer is (b) eclectic. An “eclectic” array means a diverse mix or variety. The sentence describes the art pieces as varied and avant-garde, contrasting with the other options that imply similarity or ordinariness.

2.Solution: The correct answer is (b) parched. 

– parched means extremely dry, especially due to the effects of the sun or lack of water, fitting the context of drought.

– inundated means overwhelmed, especially with a large amount of something, often water.

– saturated means thoroughly soaked or filled to capacity.

– drenched means wet through and through; thoroughly wet.

– submerged means under the surface of water or another liquid.

3.Solution: The correct answer is (c) impeccable.

– impeccable means flawless or perfect.

– fleeting and ephemeral both mean short-lived or transient, which doesn’t match the context.

– inept means having or showing no skill; clumsy.

– fallacious means based on a mistaken belief.

4.Solution: The correct answer is (a) staggering.

– staggering means very shocking or surprising.

– trivial, meager, and scanty all imply a small or insufficient amount.

– modest implies a moderate amount, without boasting.

5. Solution: The correct answer is (a) judicious.

– judicious means having, showing, or done with good judgment.

– frivolous means not having serious value or purpose.

– negligent and remiss both imply a failure to give proper care or attention.

– capricious means unpredictable or whimsical.

6.Solution: The correct answer is (b) adorned.

– adorned means made more beautiful or attractive.

– cluttered implies a messy or disordered arrangement.

– stripped means having had all coverings or attachments removed.

– vacated and deserted both imply a state of emptiness or being uninhabited.

7.Solution: The correct answer is (b) verdant.

– verdant means green with grass or other rich vegetation, suggesting a wild growth.

– manicured and pristine both suggest careful maintenance or cleanliness.

– desolate suggests a barren or empty landscape.

– lush also suggests rich vegetation, but it implies a more positive connotation than what’s intended in the context.

8.Solution: The correct answer is (d) rapier.

– rapier in this context refers to “rapier wit,” a phrase that means very quick and sharp wit.

– rapacious means aggressively greedy or predatory.

– rapid means happening quickly, but doesn’t fit the context as well as “rapier.”

– rapturous means characterized by intense pleasure or joy.

– rambunctious means uncontrollably exuberant or boisterous.

9.Solution: The correct answer is (a) stalemate.

– stalemate means a situation in which no progress is possible, especially when opposing parties are equally matched.

– resurgence means a revival after a period of little activity.

– crescendo refers to the loudest point in a piece of music or an increase in intensity.

– prologue is an introduction to a story or event.

– commemoration is the act of remembering or honoring an event or person.

10.Solution: The correct answer is (a) uncanny.

– uncanny means strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.

– redundant means not needed or superfluous.

– flippant means not showing a serious or respectful attitude.

– cursory means hasty and not thorough or detailed.

– placid means calm and peaceful, not easily upset.

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