In a verdict that sends shivers through the corridors of power and public life in Pakistan, a court has sentenced former Prime Minister Imran Khan to 10 years for revealing state secrets. This ruling, arriving just ahead of the February 8 parliamentary elections, is not just a blow to Khan, who is already serving a graft-related sentence, but also to the democratic fabric of Pakistan. The context of this case, popularly known as the Cipher case, points to a disturbing trend in Pakistani politics. Khan, a charismatic leader whose journey from cricket stardom to the pinnacle of political power captured imaginations globally, now finds himself ensnared in a legal web that many view as politically motivated. His conviction for waving a classified document at a rally, allegedly exposing a U.S. conspiracy against his government, is emblematic of the tense civil-military relations that have long defined Pakistani politics. The implications of this verdict are profound, especially for neighboring India. The political turmoil in Pakistan, marked by Khan’s dramatic downfall, could lead to instability that spills over borders. India must be wary of the potential for increased cross-border tensions and the unpredictable shifts in Pakistan's foreign policy that a power vacuum could provoke.
The consequences of this verdict extend beyond immediate political fallout. It signals a troubling crackdown on dissent and raises questions about the fairness of the upcoming elections. The sidelining of Khan and his party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), coupled with allegations of pre-poll rigging and the suppression of political freedoms, casts a long shadow over the democratic processes in Pakistan.The imprisonment of a former Prime Minister on charges that many believe to be politically charged undermines the credibility of Pakistan’s judicial system and its democratic institutions. It reinforces the perception of a country where political vendettas overshadow the rule of law. This verdict against Imran Khan is not just a legal judgment; it is a political statement with far-reaching implications for the region. It calls for a sober reflection on the state of democracy and justice in Pakistan. The international community, especially neighboring countries like India, must remain vigilant and advocate for a fair and transparent political process in Pakistan. The call to action here is clear: to support democratic norms and the rule of law in a region where stability and peace are already fragile commodities.
Q.9 What could be a real-world implication of the verdict against Imran Khan for neighboring India?
Correct Answer: C) Increased cross-border tensions
Explanation: The passage indicates that the political turmoil in Pakistan, including Khan’s downfall, could lead to instability that spills over borders, potentially increasing cross-border tensions with India.
Correct Answer: C) Increased cross-border tensions
Explanation: The passage indicates that the political turmoil in Pakistan, including Khan’s downfall, could lead to instability that spills over borders, potentially increasing cross-border tensions with India.
Good Editorial and good RC…. Thank you Sir.
Today score – 5/10
Good Editorial and good RC…. Thank you Sir.
Today score – 8/10
10/10 thank you so much sir
Best Editorial Thanks sir
This is really helpful the understand the RC, it will improve reading skill’s.
8/10 Thank you sir
great quiz…….SCORED 9/10
7/10 score…
next target 10/10….thank you sir
thank you sir for this passage
Please give Antonyms and Synonyms as well.
Score- 8/10
5/10 thank you sir my confidence is increasing in rc
From 6/10 to 10/10 sir ji thanku sir
thank you for your efforts sir ji ..
Thank you Sir

Score 6/10
8/10 thank you sir ji

7/10 thanku sir
7/10 thank you sir
7/10 good RC
9/10 thank u so much sir
6/10 1st day
Thank you so much sir
Scored 7/9 thanks sir
ek question Skip kr diya tha sir
7/10 thank you sir.
is bar 10/10 aaya he.thanks a lot sir.
Thank you so much sir
Aaj sir 9/10 improve hua kl se

Thank you sir
Thank you sir
6/10 a wonderful session
5/10, I made mistakes by replacing correct option of some answers.

Thanks alot dear Sir
Jai maa Kaali
Thanks sir I scored 10/10 Gives me lot of confidence
10/10 sir because of your great teaching skills thank you so much